
For industry giant Diageo, we created ten separate beer lines with a vintage look and modern feel, including naming, brand story, and design.


Anarchy of ants

Beer has always been a drink of public discourse. It brings momentum, change, and togetherness. This is a movement.


Butterfly boots

To be called “the butterfly’s boots” in the 1920s meant you were cool.


buzzards trading company

“Buzzards” were hobos who ran illegal liquor along the rails during Prohibition.


Eel’s hips

To be called the “eel’s hips” during the Jazz Age meant you were the cat’s pajamas.


Frog’s brow

Back in the day, “Frog’s Brow” meant you were smooth, so did having a cool car with a boattail.


glassman libations company

You can see through us because we’ve got nothing to hide. Our originality gives us the confidence to twist you up.  We brew confidence, you’ll find out.


goats whiskers

To be called “Goat Whiskers” during the Modern era meant you were a leader, an original. In the time of a creative language surge, the beer followed suit. From language to drink, join us to continue the tradition.


humble bird

In the 1920’s, “Bird” meant “cool.” That’s how we see ourselves, as both humble and cool. Our humility ensures that we don’t need to talk too much about our beer. Less talking, more drinking.


snaggle valley

Sometimes you stumble on a portal, a place where the rules change, and the answers are unexpected. A place that exists only at that place in time, then disappears without apology. The smells and sounds bathe in their own suchness.  You realize that you’re not looking ahead or behind. You’ve found your place.


society city

These brand stories invite the Gods from the world’s most important mythological origin stories in hopes of elevating contemporary society.